Thank you for taking the time to find out more about our Woodland House Appeal, which has captured the heart and support of Steve Allen, President of the Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce.

Approximately 2,000 women experience pregnancy or baby loss at Birmingham Women’s Hospital every year. As a pioneering centre of excellence in women’s health, we want to lead the way in setting a new standard of care for bereaved families nationally.

Woodland House will be the first standalone bereavement centre of its kind in the UK in a hospital setting.  It will offer a private, comfortable space away from the hustle and bustle of the main hospital where bereaved families can spend time together in calm, reassuring, non-clinical surroundings before they feel ready to face the outside world again.

Woodland House will be completely charitably funded and in total we need to raise £3.5million. We need the local business community to join us on this journey, to help us drive this change for grieving families, and break the silence and taboo surrounding pregnancy and baby loss.

Please help us make Woodland House a reality by:

DONATING to our appeal to help us reach our £3.5m target PLEDGING YOUR SUPPORT by leaving your contact details, so that a member of our fundraising team can chat to you about how you, your business and colleagues can support our mission


We hope you will consider doing both. Thank you.

For further information about Woodland House, including the stories of some of our bereaved parents, please visit out appeal page here.