How We Spend Your Money Charitable donations allow us to be at the forefront of what is possible for our patients and families and we’re very grateful to everyone who supports us financially. We want you to have confidence in us that we’re spending your money wisely. That’s why we’re committed to being open and honest about how we're funded and managed. OUR TOTAL INCOME Our total income for 2022/23 was £8.147 million. This was raised through; Donations & Legacies (£6.01million) Donations include regular gifts, money raised by corporate partners and by fundraisers in their local communities, donations from Trusts, major donors and gifts left to us in Wills Events (£1.776m) Money raised from event fees and generated by people raising sponsorship for taking part in events organised directly by us (such as our Abseil) and those organised by third parties (such as the London Marathon) Investments (£248,000) This is income from interest received on reserves and other investments Trading (£113,000) This is sales on our online shop and at the Fundraising Hub at BCH, through our trading entity Red Balloon Trading. HOW WE SPENT YOUR MONEY In 2022/23 we spent a total of £10.256 million using money raised by our supporters. We spent £7.579 million making an impact across Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospitals. This includes; Medical Research (£1.512) The purchase of new equipment (£524,000) Patient Environment (£3.925m) Patient Education & Welfare (£1.09m) Staff Education & Welfare (£528,000) We spent £2.677million on raising funds for the future PENCE IN THE POUND We spent £2.11million on raising funds for the future Pence in the pound From every £1 you donate 66p is given to Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust and spent on medical research, new equipment, building new or refurbishing existing buildings and patient and/or staff education and welfare. How do we calculate the figure? This calculation shows the proportion of supporters’ donations which go towards the charity’s work and what goes towards fundraising for the future. Across the charity sector, there is no uniform method used to report on this figure. We take a five-year average to produce this information; a method which allows us to account for in-year activities which may produce anomalous results. An example of this is a campaign like the Big Sleuth, which produced good results for us in terms of income and added considerable value in non-financial areas such as brand awareness, but also came at a higher cost than our usual fundraising activities. We believe this five-year method gives the most accurate picture of the proportion of the money we received which we spend on raising income. Fundraising Income Over the past five financial years (2018/19 – 2022/23) total income from for the Charity was £32.301 million. Costs to raise funds Over the same period, we spent £10.579 million on raising this income. Full details of these figures are available on our Annual Report and Financial Statements. These are publicly available documents which can be found on the Charity Commission website here. Manage Cookie Preferences